A: Gir A2 milk is pure and unadulterated milk obtained from Gir cows, a breed of cows that originated in India and are known for their high-quality milk, which is rich in A2 protein.

A: A2 protein is a type of protein that is found in some breeds of cows’ milk, including Gir cows. It is easier to digest and less likely to cause allergic reactions than A1 protein, which is found in most commercially available milk.

A: Drinking Gir A2 milk offers several health benefits, including stronger bones, better digestion, reduced inflammation, and improved skin health.


A: Yes, Gir A2 milk is easier to digest than regular milk due to the presence of A2 protein, which is easier on the digestive system.

A: Yes, Gir A2 milk is free from harmful hormones and antibiotics that are commonly used in commercial dairy farming, ensuring that the milk is pure and free from any harmful substances.

A: Yes, Gir A2 milk is suitable for lactose-intolerant people as it contains lower levels of lactose than regular milk.

A: Yes, Gir A2 milk is sourced from cows that are raised in a sustainable and ethical manner, with a focus on animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

A: Yes, Gir A2 milk is usually more expensive than regular milk due to the higher cost of production and the limited availability of Gir cows. However, the health benefits and purity of Gir A2 milk make it worth the extra cost.


There are two different types of protein: A1 and A2. A1 protein is produced by foreign breeds of cows, such as Jersey and Holstein Friesian. When consumed, A1 protein is not easily broken down into amino acids, which can lead to issues such as indigestion, bloating, lactose intolerance, migraines, and other health problems. In contrast, A2 protein is produced by Indigenous Desi cow breeds and is easier to digest, as it breaks down into amino acids. A2 protein has been found to help build immunity, promote child growth, feel light on the stomach, and is suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals. Additionally, A2 milk is naturally sweet and can even be consumed by diabetic patients.

Cow milk fat contains a coloring pigment called Beta-carotene (a carotenoid which is precursor of vitamin-A) which gives it yellowish color. However, yellowish-ness of milk depends of season, fodder, lactation period etc. Milk in summer is not as yellowish as post monsoon. 

The milk can be boiled and kept in your refrigerator or be stored in fridge below 4 degrees. Please change your refrigerator’s temperature as needed based on the weather. If maintained in a deep freezer, it can be stored upto 4 days.

Milk is a biological product of a living entity thus it can not be the same everyday. Color, consistency & fact varies depending on several factors such as season, fodder & lactation period of the cows.