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Our Glorious Bos Indicus
Most of us are aware of the significant role of Cow products in nourishing our physical and intellectual health. But unfortunately, very few of us actually know how to recognize a Cow.
Read along to know more!
Any animal commonly known as Cow, that looks like Cow or has 4 legs, 2 horns and gives milk cannot be considered as a Cow. Ayurveda clearly describes the external and internal features of Cows and Cow Products which is imperative for us to understand, in order to correctly recognize Mother Cow and reap her benefits. Until the 1970’s, Bharat had only Desi/Indigenous/Bos Indicus Cows. (Refer picture) Jersey/Holstein-Frisian Cows were unheard of until commercialization of Mother Cow happened. Operation flood was launched on 13 January 1970 that led to the infamous white revolution in India. Cows were slowly starting to be seen as milk-machines rather than as Mother and milk became more of a commodity than Amrita/Nectar! What followed was a period of intensive imports and promotion of Jersey/HF cows, cross breeding & genetic modifications (as foreign breed Cows provide larger milk quantities per milking) which gradually led to a serious depletion of the glorious Indigenous Cow species of India. This decline continues even today. At the time of independence, India had 111 varieties of indigenous Cows and alarmingly, just 37 left are left today. Many remaining Cow breeds are endangered and on the verge of extinction.
Few Indian Cow breeds present today are:
- Red Sindhi
- Sahiwal
- Hallikar
- Malai Madu
- Amritmahal
- Gir
- Khillari etc.

Cows on the roads of Banaras, Picture clicked in 1920. Notice that all are Indigenous (Desi) Cows, long before the white revolution happened in 1970’s.”
- The most distinct feature of a Cow mentioned in Ayurveda is the ‘Hump’ within which a special vein called Suryaketu Nadi is present. This Nadi absorbs solar rays and produces gold salts in her blood, which are transferred into her milk. Due to this, there is a property known in Ayurvedic terms as ‘Suryakshar’ in her milk. Such milk when consumed by humans develops their intelligence, miraculously cures diseases and promotes ‘Ojas/Vitality’. You will find this hump missing in jersey/hf cows due to which their milk lacks the true nectarian properties of Cow’s milk.
- Indian cows have long horns which jersey/HF cows don’t have.
- Indian Cows have smooth & round posterior while Foreign Cows have a pointed back.
- Some North Indian Cow breeds such as Gir, Kankrej, Tharparkar Cows have soft and long drooping ears with long loose coat at the neck to cool their body as the temperature in some part of North India Soars high. But Jersey cows don’t have this owing to cold climate of UK.
- Desi Cows are agile, extremely loving and Sattvik in nature. Anyone who maintains Desi Cows at home will confirm this fact! However, Jersey Cows are less active in nature. As per Ayurveda, consuming the milk of non-agile animals (like buffalo or foreign Cows) makes one dull intellectually. Cows milk and milk products aid sharp intellect.
- Indigenous cows are very clean in nature. You will never find them covered in Dung or dirt, unlike buffaloes and HF/Jersey Cows.
- Indian cows give birth to more calves during their lifetime (average of 10-12 and some can go beyond 15 but Jersey cows give birth to fewer calves in their lifetime. So quantitatively, the amount of milk produced by Indian cows during their lifetime is more when compared to the Jersey Cows.
- Indian calf’s take a longer time to get impregnated generally 30-36 months, whereas jersey calves take 18-24 months.
- The dung of the Indian Cows contains more microbes and micro nutrients approximately 85-90% whereas the Jersey cow contains 50-60% only. Hence Indian cow dung when used in farming yields excellent results within short time because of its rich composition.
- Dung of Indian Cows is sweet smelling and of purifying quality, unlike dung of western Cows that carries bad odour. Additionally, Desi Cow’s dung is antibacterial, anti-viral and keeps flies, insects etc. at bay, which is a quality that jersey/HF cow dung lacks.
- Urine of Indigenous Cows is a great medicine in Ayurveda that cures innumerable diseases including cancer. USA holds many patents in usage of Gau mutra in cancer curing medicines. Again, such medicinal properties are absent in urine of Jersey or HF Cows.
- Indian cow’s milk and Urine contains traces of gold as confirmed by the Junagadh Agricultural University. This is one reason why milk/ghee of Indian cows have a slight yellow tinge. However, such gold salts are absent in milk/urine of western Cow breeds.
These days, we see a huge ‘Gir Cow’ hype all over India. Milk/milk products of Gir Cows is undoubtedly nutritious as it comes from a Desi Cow breed of Gujarat/Rajasthan. But factually, all other Desi Cow breeds found in different parts of India too give very nutritious milk, which are best suited for the bodies of people of those regions. This is part of God’s perfect creation. As per Ayurveda, it’s always best to ‘Go Local’ whether it’s milk or food grains, vegetables, fruits etc.
CowConnect Naturals Promises to give you the exquisite experience of choosing variety of Cow Products of various Cow Breeds from all over India!